Ye shall be...


“Ye shall be…”


I love the way the above verse gives us a promise as well as a mission!

  “Ye shall be…”

When it is God’s will, things can move very quickly.

Adoniram Judson was an unsaved, unconverted man when he enrolled in Andover Theological Seminary.  Later that year, in September 1808, he was born-again and his study of the Word of God took on a new nature.

Five months later he read a sermon entitled "The Star in the East" which moved his heart to volunteer for missionary service.  The next June he met a young lady named Ann Hasseltine.  In September, 1811, he was approved as a Congregational missionary.

Five months later, on February 5, 1812 Adoniram and Ann were married.

The following day he was ordained, and two weeks after that, on February 19, 1812, the couple embarked on the brig Caravan for Calcutta, India.  Their honeymoon was spent on a long voyage which ended on June 17.  During that time they were also converted by the Lord from being Congregationalists to being Baptists.

On September 6, the young couple were immersed in water at the Baptist chapel in Calcutta. And the rest is Baptist history.  ~ D. Oldfield, Calvary Baptist Bulletin

When God is working to bring people to salvation, and us to those people – may we be ready, because we have a mission, and a promise... “Ye shall be witnesses unto me…”


~ Pastor