Times of Service

10.30am Sunday Morning

5.30pm Sunday Evening

7.00pm Wednesday Evening


Posted: Monday, September 21, 2015 - 11:30am

“...they did not choose...” - Proverbs 1.27


For the longest time I did not realize exactly what this verse in Proverbs actually said.  I always thought it said, “...they would not choose...”  But it actually says, “did not”...  they already made their decision.


“...they did not choose...”


Posted: Thursday, September 17, 2015 - 12:15pm

I am...” - John 1.20


Those two words mean more to me everyday of my Christian life.  They are used as a name for the Almighty God.  In Exodus 3.14 before God unleashed the incredible plagues on Egypt He said to Moses, and the people of Israel, I AM THAT I AM”.  And “I AM” speaks of power and holiness, it speaks of things far beyond us!


Posted: Monday, September 7, 2015 - 11:30am

“All scripture is given…” - 2 Timothy 3.15


I am so glad I didn’t evolve from some “goo” somewhere!


No plan.  No purpose.  No rhyme.  No reason.  No hope.  No future - just “hanging around” for the next million years (or so) waiting for the next… the next… something, I guess.


Posted: Thursday, September 3, 2015 - 11:53am

“...thy gentleness hath made me great.” - 2 Samuel 22.36


These two words that are often seen to be poles apart  - they are the words gentle and great.

