“Happy is the man that feareth always…”

Proverbs 28:14

That makes absolutely no sense!

It’s like, “I’m so happy because I’m so afraid all of the time!”

Wow!  Talk about religion using the guilt trip!  Therapy here we come!

Hang on… this is a Proverb, and these proverbs usually have a contrasting part in each verse…  “Happy is the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.” Proverbs 28:14

Okay… that helps… “he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.”  So sometimes we act like we’re too good to be told what to do, or to pay attention to the warning signs around us, “he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.”

It’s kind of like we’re driving along through life acting like we know how to drive so well, and we don’t have to pay attention to the road signs… In fact, we’re so good at driving that we even ignore the signs!

This Proverb is helpful… The person who’s paying attention is going to be better off than the person who thinks they know it all!

“Happy is the man that feareth always…”

We’re going to do well when we pay attention to what’s going on around us.  When things get our attention, or even startle us, or alarm us.  Like another saying we have, “Better to be safe, than sorry!”

So, let’s pay attention to what the Bible says because God is trying to make our life a whole lot easier than we can do by ourselves!